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Acceptable Use Policy
Abuse of DikzNet Systems and Resources
Any damaging or abusive activity, whether unlawful or considered to be detrimental to the operations of DikzNet resources, is a violation of this policy. Any attempt to harm equipment owned by DikzNet, or hosted in its facilities, is strictly prohibited. Violations will result in legal action, to the fullest allowable extent.
Illegal Usage Restrictions:
Resources provided by DikzNet may be used only for lawful purposes. Examples of unlawful content include:
1)Unlicensed hosting of, linking to, or any involvement in the transmission of copyrighted media, applications, published works, or any data protected by trade secret, without sufficient rights to engage in this activity
2)Child pornography
3)Content deemed to be terroristic in nature
4)Material posted to incite violence
5)Fraudulent sites and other forms of "phishing"
6)Violations of import/export restrictions
Prohibited Usage Restrictions:
In addition to activities governed by law, DikzNet strictly prohibits:
1)Malware (malicious software) and/or botnets
2)Network and systems abuse scripts
3)Threatening, harassing, or obscene content
4)Unsolicited and/or mass advertising via forums, blogs, comment forms, and newsgroups
5)Mail bombing, email address harvesting, and/or unsolicited email
6)Excessive overutilization of resource limits
Abusive Client:
DikzNet may, at its discretion, suspend or terminate the service of any client or reseller who is financially delinquent, abusive to or harassing DikzNet personnel, or causes general disruption to the operation of the company and service of its users.
Examples of such activity include, but are not limited to:
1)Verbal or written abuse of DikzNet personnel (obscene language, threats, etc.)
2)Excessive complaints or persistent disregard for alerts, warnings, and/or notices
3)Repeated reactivation of abusive users
4)Spamming DikzNet email addresses, ticket systems, and/or servers
5)Frequent late or bounced payments
6)Issuing chargebacks
7)Public harassment or derogatory, false, or exaggerated forum and discussion group postings
Bulk Email & Blacklisting:
Legitimate bulk email meets the following criteria:
1)ALL recipients have confirmed willingness to be added to a distribution list by clicking on confirmation links or by responding to verification emails.
2)Distributed messages include valid headers, removal instructions, and information on the method by which the subscribed addresses were obtained.
DikzNet reserves the right to require termination of any services involved in the transmission of unsolicited email.
If any activities lead to blacklisting, the involved client/reseller may be charged an abuse fee of $25.00.
Policy Violations:
Storage, presentation, or transmission of any material in violation of any laws, or otherwise prohibited by DikzNet, is cause for temporary account deactivation, server/service termination, or complete cancellation of all account services.
The DikzNet abuse department will make an attempt to contact the involved client via email when the first sign of a possible violation is noted. This notification may occur before or after a service is disabled.
Alerts are provided as a courtesy. Prompt responses to alerts are required. When an alert is sent, the designated abuse contact is responsible for acknowledging his/her understanding of the offense and providing an adequate response, to the satisfaction of DikzNet, within 24 hours of the notice.
Failure to sufficiently respond to an abuse alert will lead to suspension of any active services involved in abusive activity and will result in a $15.00 fee. If reactivation is warranted, all abuse fees and any outstanding service fees must be paid prior to service being reactivated.
A $200 network abuse fee will be charged if a customer is found abusing the DikzNet network.
Repeated abuse and/or failure to respond to abuse alerts will result in service termination.
DikzNet will not be responsible for securing virtual private servers, user accounts/web sites, or third-party applications.
Resource Usage:
Resource usage should be maintained within levels outlined in product descriptions and/or service contracts.
Abuse caused by users or unauthorized parties may increase resource usage and lead to overage fees.
Overage fees apply to any service utilizing more than its assigned bandwidth allocation. Overages will be calculated based on overall amount of GigaBytes (GB) transferred in a monthly period.
Bandwidth is supplied from a shared pool and is not supplied as guaranteed/dedicated bandwidth, unless advertised as such specifically.
However, a service that has heavy sustained usage may have its port capped and the client/reseller associated with the service may be required to upgrade to a premium VPS.